Clinical Cardiology Journal Peer-Reviewed

A peer-reviewed open access journal with a focus on publishing leading-edge cardiology research, Clinical Cardiology Journal. The scope of the journal includes studies on the epidemiology and pathophysiology of cardiac diseases such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and valvular heart disease. 

Studies involving the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases, such as electrophysiology, cardiovascular implants, cardiac regeneration, cardiac medicine, cardiac surgery, and the identification of cardiovascular risk factors, are given particular attention. Clinical Cardiology Journal publishes research on a variety of topics in this field, such as apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary artery ectasia, fetal heart calcification, chronic arterial insufficiency, cardiovascular disease and its connection to cancer, peri-arrest period, complications following heart surgery, early repolarization symptoms, coronary arteritis, inflammatory vascular disease, inflammatory cardiomyopathy, systolic. 

The journal publishes original research in cardiology that has undergone a thorough review process as well as articles on cardiology reviews, case studies, image articles, clinical cardiology, and more. Clinical Cardiology Journal acceptance of manuscripts is entirely based on handling editorial team considerations and impartial peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are upheld regardless of the route taken to regular peer-reviewed publication or a quick editorial review process.

Different possibilities are presented to improve global health outcomes in the clinical cardiology case reports journal. Methods for heart disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention were published in journals of cardiology case reports. Case reports on coronary artery disease, paediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery, and cardiovascular surgery, among other conditions, are published in cardiac journals. 

Authors are requested to submit manuscript in 'Clinical Cardiology Journal” via Online Manuscript Submission portal (or) directly send an Email attachment to the Editorial Office at:


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